張明峰 :對現(xiàn)在有些年輕人的學(xué)習(xí)方法和效率感到悲哀!
//Write a byte of data into EEPROM memory
// eeData - data to be written
// eeAddr - EEPROM memory address
// 0 - successful
// 1 - data error
// 2 - time out
unsigned char EE_Write(void)
unsigned char tmpData;
EEIF = 0;
EEDATA = eeData; //data to write
EEADR = eeAddr; //adress to write
EEPGD = 0; //point to EE area
WREN = 1; //EE write enabled
GIE = 0; //no interrupt following
EECON2 = 0x55; //password 55
EECON2 = 0xaa; //password AA
WR = 1; //internal EE write cycle begin now
WREN = 0; //EE write can be disabled
GIE = 1; //interrupt could be enabled
timer = 10; //for backgound time-out control
do {
} while (EEIF==0 && timer!=0); //wait for EE write completed or time-out
if (EEIF==1 && timer!=0) { //EE write completed normally
tmpData = eeData;
EE_Read(); //read back the written data
if (tmpData == eeData) //verify
return(0); //data is good
return(1); //data is corrupted
} else
return(2); //WW write time out
//Read a byte of data from EEPROM memory
// eeAddr - EEPROM memory address
// eeData - data read
void EE_Read(void)
EEDATA = 0xff;
EEADR = eeAddr;
EEPGD = 0;
RD = 1;
eeData = EEDATA;