SEMI China HB-LED Standards TC Kick-off Meeting will be held on May 22th, 2014, Thursday, in Guiyang, Guizhou, you can get the details as below. Please pre-arrange your schedule for join the meeting.
All attendees are request to send the RSVP (attachment 1) to me by May. 12th, 2014, thanks.
一、會議時間/Meeting Time:
2014/5/22 周四/ Thursday
09:30 -- 16:15 SEMI中國HB-LED標準委員會會議,初步議程請見附件2(點擊下載),如有更新將及時公布。
SEMI China HB-LED Standards TC Meeting, preliminary agenda see attachment 2, Agenda are subjected to change.
(TC core member and companies’ standards workers are request to attend in person)
If you have any SNARFs & TFOFs need to reviewing by TC during this meeting, you are asked to submit this materials to me before April 28th, 2014, so that we can update the meeting agenda timely.
(1)新標準提案申請表,即SNARF Form,請見附件3(點擊下載)/ Attachment 3: SNARF Template
(2)新工作小組申請表,即TFOF Form,請見附件4(點擊下載)/ Attachment 4: TFOF Template
18:00 -- 20:00 標委會晚餐/ Standards Committee Dinner
二、會議地點/Meeting Venue::
貴陽皇朝國際大酒店/ Guiyang Dynasty International Hotel
貴州省貴陽市金陽大道牡丹路1號/#1 Mudan Road, Jinyang Avenue, Guiyang, Guizhou
三、參會注意事項/ Meeting Attendee Notes:
(1)本標準會議的參會人員必須為SEMI標準會員(Program Membership Only, or Program and Technical Committee Membership),非SEMI標準會員將被拒絕參會。
Only SEMI Standards Members can to attend the standards meeting